Clarification on the requirements of Damage Control Plan and Booklet

02 November 2015  |  C15036

Dromon would like to clarify the applicability and requirements of damage control plan and booklet, especially for ships built before January 01, 2009.

Ship Owners / Managers / Operators  |  Ship Masters | Flag Administrations

Recent PSC inspections on board Dromon ships recorded deficiencies related to the missing damage control plan and booklet.  With this Circular Dromon would like to clarify the applicability of damage control plan and booklet for ships constructed before 01/01/2009.  It is important to note that ships built after 01/01/2009 shall have an approved damage control plan and booklet as required by SOLAS 1974 Amend 2005 Regulation II-1/19.

The applicability of damage control plan and booklet is shown on the table below.

Ship Type Ship Size Year of Built Regulation
Passenger Ships regardless of size after 25/05/1980 SOLAS 1974 Regulation II-1/20
Dry Cargo Ships greater than 500 GT between 01/02/1992 & 01/01/2009 SOLAS Amend 1989 Regulation II-1/23-1
All Cargo Ships greater than 500 GT on or after 01/01/2009 SOLAS Amend 2005 Regulation II-1/19



The damage control plan and booklet are intended to provide ship’s officers with clear information on the ship’s watertight subdivision and equipment related to maintaining the boundaries and effectiveness of the subdivision so that, in the event of damage to the ship causing flooding, proper precautions can be taken to prevent progressive flooding through openings therein and effective action can be taken quickly to mitigate and, where possible, recover the ship’s loss of stability.

The damage control plan and booklet should be clear and easy to understand.  It should not include information which is not directly relevant to damage control, and should be provided in the working language of the ship.  If the languages used in the preparation of the plan and booklet are not one of the official languages of the SOLAS Convention, a translation into one of the official languages should be included.


Preparation standards

For ships built before 01/01/2009: the damage control plan and booklet shall comply with the requirements outlined in the IMO MSC/Circ.919

For ships built after 01/01/2009:  the damage control plan and booklet shall comply with the requirements outlined in the IMO MSC/Circ.1245


Placement on board the ship

For passenger ships, the damage control plan should be permanently exhibited or readily available on the navigation bridge, as well as in the ship’s control station, safety center or equivalent.

For cargo ships, the damage control plan should be permanently exhibited or readily available on the navigation bridge.  Furthermore, the damage control plan should be permanently exhibited or readily available in the cargo control room, all ship’s office or other suitable location.


Act Now

Owner / Managers must ensure that ships comply with the requirements of SOLAS and verify that the damage control plan and booklet includes the information applicable to their ship based on the year of built.  The damage control plan and booklet shall be approved by Dromon Engineering Department.

Dromon Surveyors must ensure that ships comply with the above mentioned SOLAS regulations and the information included in the damage control plan and booklet are in accordance with the IMO Circulars.

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