- November 17, 2016
- 2015 , Publications
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DAC & RINA Academy Training Course on Passenger Ships
17 November 2016
Dromon Academia Centre (DAC) in cooperation with Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) Academy has conducted a three days training course on “Surveying of Passenger Ships”.
The course outlined requirements for classification and statutory surveys as well as guidance on key survey areas. It was a chance for Dromon Surveyors to answer questions on plan and preparation for this type of surveys, interpret survey requirements and recognize what can and cannot be done with Classification and Statutory Regulations.
About DAC
DAC has established training courses based on our experience in ships classification, statutory surveys and certification. Our training courses have an active learning approach aiming to develop and improve the skills of participants through working collectively as well as be able at the end to apply their knowledge to their local environment.
About RINA Academy
Benefiting from its traditional collaboration with parent Company, RINA Academy offers tailored training courses in the respective skills sets, including: theoretical concepts, regulatory issues, best practice and cost-effective solutions. RINA Academy provides bespoke courses on marine areas and on management systems, but it mainly offers training in conduct, managerial development and in the culture of change. For more information visit: http://www.rina.org/en/our-services/training