- December 12, 2016
- 2016 , Circulars
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Technical Recommendations on the Implementation of Directive 2000/59/EC on Port Reception Facilities
12 December 2016 | C16039
This circular provides information on the implementation of Directive 2000/59/EC on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues.
Ship Owners / Managers / Operators | Surveyors | Flag Administrations
Several types of waste are generated on board ships. Oily wastes, sludge, drainage from the bilges, sewage and garbage, among others, are produced, along with cargo residues during loading and unloading operations. The type and quantity of wastes generated depend on various factors such as the type and size of the ship, the duration of the journey and the speed of the ship, the type of fuel and, at last but not least, the waste management practices on board.
EU Action in order to minimize these and other impacts from waste discharges, strong international and community action in maritime transport has been undertaken. The EU Directive 2000/59/EC on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues, which aligns with the IMO Convention MARPOL 73/78, aims to reduce pollution from the waste produced by ships.
Under MARPOL and the PRF Directive there is an obligation to provide port waste reception facilities, (PRF), which must be adequate to meet the needs of ships using the port, without causing undue delay. The EU PRF Directive also requires the delivery of ship generated wastes and the implementation of a cost recovery system by the Member States covering the costs of planning for, collecting and disposal of this waste. This Cost Recovery System (CRS) should be aligned with the polluter/user pays principle, whilst simultaneously providing an incentive for ships to deliver their waste on shore. Under the PRF Directive, Member States are left with a high degree of freedom to arrange the reception of waste and to apply CRS in the most suitable manner for their ports.
EMSA’s publication which builds on the Commission’s interpretation and on good practice identified in the Member States, to provide Technical Recommendations to Member States on how best to implement the PRF Directive. It is intended that these Technical Recommendations:
- will contribute towards a more uniform and harmonised application of the PRF Directive;
- will ensure more efficient use of resources during the application and enforcement of the PRF Directive;
- will help MS follow the requirements of the PRF Directive;
- can be used by the MS to develop new, or enhance any existing, guidance that the MS have developed to implement their national legislation; and
- will be subject to revision in the light of their use and possible amendments to the PRF Directive.
Act now
Owners / Managers / Operators are invited to use EMSA’s publication and Technical Recommendations within on how best to implement the PRF Directive.