Port State Control CIC on Auxiliary Machinery

18 June 2018 |  C18028

Viña del Mar MoU has launched a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) with the purpose of ensuring compliance with SOLAS Chapter II-1.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Flag State Administrations | Surveyors / Auditors

The scope of the joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) is the safety of auxiliary machinery, especially the working condition and maintenance of the auxiliary engines, auxiliary equipment and their related alarm systems. Special attention will be given to familiarity of the crew with safety and emergency procedures with regard to these systems.

The campaign shall be held for three months and has commenced on 01 June 2018 and will be ending on 31 August 2018 and is implemented in a different period from those scheduled by other memoranda for 2018, as it is not being related with Annex VI of MARPOL.

The auxiliary machinery installations will be verified in more detail for compliance with the mentioned scope of the CIC during a regular Port State Control inspection conducted under the regional ship selection criteria.

Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a List of 12 selected items to verify critical areas for the auxiliary machinery installations, some of which are related to documentation, auxiliary engines and equipment, crew familiarization and operational controls. For this purpose, PSCOs will use the below questionnaire listing a number of items to be covered during the concentrated inspection campaign.

No. Item YES NO N/A
1 Are instructions and manuals for ship machinery essential to safe operation, written in a language understood by the ship`s personnel?
2 If the ship operates with periodically unattended machinery spaces, has it been provided with documentary evidence of fitness?
Auxiliary engines
3 Do the Oil Mist Detectors or any other automatic shut-off arrangements for the auxiliary engines appear to be working satisfactory?
4 Are protective arrangements for machinery in place to minimize danger to persons with regard to moving parts, hot surfaces, electrical shock and other hazards?
5 Does essential auxiliaries machinery appear to be in operational condition?
6 Is cleanliness of the Engine Room, including bilges satisfactory?
Auxiliary machinery
7 Do the Main or Auxiliary Boilers and Boiler Feed Systems appear to be in safe working order?
8 Do the emergency sources of power and emergency lighting appear to be working satisfactory?
9 Do the bilge pumping arrangements appear to be in good working order?
Operational controls
10 Where an emergency steering drill was witnessed, was it found to be satisfactory?
11 Where an emergency operational drill to auxiliary engines was witnessed, was it found to be satisfactory?
12 Has the ship been detained as a result of this CIC?

When deficiencies are found, actions by the port State may vary from recording a deficiency and instructing the master to rectify it within a certain period to detaining the ship until serious deficiencies have been rectified.

The results of the campaign will be analyzed and findings will be presented on the next Committee Meeting for approval and later submission to the IMO and the other MOUs.

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators are encouraged to inform Masters and take necessary actions.

Surveyors are requested to take into consideration above CIC questionnaire upon forthcoming surveys. When deficiencies are found, Surveyors shall inform Dromon Head office by imposing a Notice of Recommendation indicating clearly the recommendation and due date of rectification. Any imposed deficiency will be shown on the survey status of the ship and our online platform ‘’ERETES’’ for further actions from Manager.

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