- August 29, 2018
- 2018 , Circulars
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PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme
29 August 2018 | C18041
Following C18027, this Circular reminds Shipowners on the DBS PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme introduced by our Port and Flag State Inspection Department, which aims to reduce the number of deficiencies on board our fleet.
Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Flag State Administrations | Surveyors / Auditors
The Port State Control (PSC) Preventive Inspection Scheme aims to:
- eliminate the number of deficiencies on board our fleet;
- identify in advance of a PSC inspection any possible deficiency and therefore reduce the likehood of a detention; and
- follow up deficiencies/ recommendations imposed by our Surveyors or PSC Authorities during previous inspections.
Ships certified by DBS
Eligible to the scheme is every DBS ship that calls a port of a PSC Authority of Paris MoU, Black Sea MoU, Med MoU and Tokyo MoU and has been detained in 2017 and onwards. A ship that has been registered in our PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme will remain for one (1) calendar year subject to the fact that it has not suffered further detention(s).
If a ship is detained once more during the period which is already registered under the PSC Preventive Inspection scheme, then the ship will be re-registered for one calendar year starting from the date of the latest PSC Inspection.
What the scheme involves
DBS PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme requires an occasional survey on board the ship every four (4) months at a convenient port of call. During our attendance the Surveyor:
- will use our PSC Checklist that can be found here;
- will identify possible deficiencies as well as detainable deficiencies; and
- review corrective actions for deficiencies imposed during previous schedule surveys and/or PSC inspections.
Any identified deficiency during a PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme survey will be recorded at the official survey status report of the ship. Owners/ Managers will be able to review the list of deficiencies through ERETES platform.
In case the due date of the ship for a PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme survey falls within the window of a schedule survey (for e.g. annual/ intermediate surveys etc.) then the schedule surveys will be carried out. The required PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme survey will follow four (4) months after the date of completion of the scheduled surveys.
Compliance schedule and effective date
Owners/ Managers will be informed and follow up the date that the ship is due for PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme survey through ERETES Platform. Under surveys tab, Owners/ Managers will be able to review the date that each ship is due for PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme survey.
Our PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme has begun in July 01, 2017.
Owners/ Managers will be informed by DBS Head Office which ships have been registered under the scheme and can follow up the due date of the occasional survey through ERETES platform. It is important to note that the occasional survey must be completed fifteen (15) days before or after the due date shown in the survey status report. A window of 30 days is provided for the ship to be at convenient port of call for the occasional survey to be completed.
As stated above, in case a ship does not suffer further detentions for one (1) calendar year, the ship will automatically be removed from the scheme and Owners/ Managers will be informed.
Ships not certified by DBS
Owners/ Managers/ Operators of ships not certified by DBS that require to be registered under our PSC Preventive Inspection Scheme, we may facilitate this service. Through our network of surveyors/ auditors we can conduct occasional surveys in all major ports ensuring ongoing compliance. In addition, we can provide access to our online ERETES platform to review the results of the inspection and follow up.
DBS PSC Inspection Checklist
Our Port and Flag State Inspections Department has updated our PSC Inspection Checklist that can be found here. The updated checklist includes the latest requirements and upcoming regulations that each ship must comply.
The checklist should be used by the ship’s crew prior to arrival into port. The categories of inspection included in the checklist have been identified by DBS Port and Flag State Inspections Department as items that lead DBS classed ships to detention.
If any of the items outlined in this checklist are not in good working condition or found not incompliance, the crew should take appropriate steps for a corrective action to be implemented prior to arrival into port.
DBS PSC website
Please visit our dedicated PSC Inspection Services website here where you can access various circulars, publications and get further information on our scheme.