China Regulation on Data Collection for Energy Consumption of Ships

08 January 2019 |  C19001

We wish to bring the attention to Shipowners, Managers and Operators for the new Regulation published and came into force on January 01, 2019.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration has issued at the end of 2018 a new regulation on data collection for energy consumption of ships which came into force on 01 January 2019.

The regulation applies to ships:

  • greater than 400 gross tonnage; or
  • powered by main propulsion machinery greater than 750 kW of propulsion power

calling China ports. Warships and fishing vessels have been exempted from this regulation.

As per the new regulation, every ship calling a Chinese port shall submit to the MSA the “Data Report Format for Energy Consumption of Ships“, containing information of the last voyage before leaving the port.

A ship may be exempted from the per voyage reporting and report to the MSA on a monthly basis if:

  • trading within a fixed region and the time underway per voyage is 4 hours or less; or
  • sailing on fixed route and the time underway per voyage is 12 hours or less.

If your ship falls under the monthly reporting, per voyage information shall still be recorded (within logbook or specified record book) and submit to China MSA the aggregated data of the last calendar month within ten (10) days of the next month.

Inland ships shall record information on a per voyage basis but submit aggregated yearly data by April 01 for the previous calendar year (identical approach as with the IMO Data Collection System).

All records must be kept on board for a period of one (1) year after the last entry has been made and be readily available for verification and inspection.

The China MSA branch offices will be responsible to review the data and confirm that these have been submitted as required by the regulation.

As per the regulation before leaving a Chinese port, ships must report the required data via a maritime information platform maintained by China MSA. The platform can be accessed from here: Note that ships must be registered up front within the platform.

For more details and to view the relevant Chinese MSA circular, click here.

Comparison of EU MRV Regulation, IMO DCS and China DC on Energy Consumption:

EU MRV Regulation IMO DCS China DC on Energy Consumption*
Entry into force 1 July 2015 1 March 2018 1 January 2019
Scope Greater than 5000 GT conducting commercial voyages to/ from/ between EEA ports Greater than 5000 GT conducting international voyages Greater than 400 GT or greater power 750 kW conducting voyages to/ from/ between Chinese ports**
First reporting period 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 01 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 Each time the ship leaves a Chinese port**
Manual Monitoring Plan as per Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 SEEMP Part II as per MEPC.282(70) Data Report Format for the Energy Consumption of Ships
Reporting data a. Fuel Oil Consumption

b. Cargo Carried

c. Distance travelled

d. Time at sea and in port

e. Transport work based on actual cargo

f. CO2 emissions

g. Port of departure/ arrival

h. Separate data to be collected for berthing and voyage

a. Fuel Oil Consumption

b. Design deadweight as cargo proxy

c. Distance travelled

d. Hours underway

a. Fuel Oil Consumption

b. Shore power consumption


d. The use of scrubbers

e. Transport work based on actual cargo or proxy (if actual cargo not available)

f. Distance travelled

g. Hours underway

h. Operation hours

Reporting format Standardized format as per Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 Standardized format as per MEPC.282(70) Standardized format as per Annex to Regulation on Data Collection for Energy Consumption of Ships
Reporting platform THETIS MRV IMO GISIS Maritime Information Platform of China MSA
Verification authority Third-party independent verifier Flag State or Recognized Organization China MSA Branch Office

*Specific requirements apply for ships flying the Chinese flag.

**Specific requirements apply for ships:

1. trading within a fixed region and the time underway per voyage is 4 hours or less; or

2. sailing on fixed route and the time underway per voyage is 12 hours or less

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators of vessels calling China should take into consideration the Regulation Requirements, as applicable.

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