Amendments to the Performance Standards for EGC and NAVTEX Equipment

05 February 2019 |  C19008

Equipment installed on or after 1 July 2019 should be type approved to the amended performance standards.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee has adopted Resolutions MSC.430(98) and MSC.431(98), relating to amendments to the performance standards for Enhanced Group Call (EGC) and NAVTEX receiving equipment.

GMDSS radio equipment for receiving NAVTEX broadcasts and EGC equipment for receiving maritime safety information broadcasts are required by SOLAS regulation IV/7. The equipment is required, by SOLAS regulation IV/14, to be type approved to the appropriate performance standards.

Amendments to the Revised Performance Standards for NAVTEX

In the existing section 9 the following new paragraph is added:

“9.4 The equipment should include an interface for alert management in accordance with resolution MSC.302(87) on Performance standards for bridge alert management.”

Amendments to the Revised Performance Standards for EGC Equipment

The following new paragraph 1.3 is inserted after the existing paragraph 1.2:

“1.3 Alternatively to the requirement in paragraph 1.2, the equipment need not provide means to produce a printed copy of received information if it is installed in combination with an interface connecting it to navigation equipment that is compliant with resolution MSC 252(83), as amended, on Revised Performance standards for integrated navigation systems. Provisions for interconnection to a shipborne integrated radiocommunication system (IRCS) when used in the GMDSS (resolution A.811(19)) should also be included.”

In addition, a new section 6 is included, as follows:


6.1 The equipment should include at least one interface for the transfer of received data to other navigation display or integrated communications equipment.

6.2 The equipment should include an interface for alert management in accordance with resolution MSC.302(87) on Performance standards for bridge alert management.

6.3 All interfaces provided for communication with other navigation or communication equipment should comply with the relevant international standards1.

1 Refer to IEC standards 61162″

Act now

Ship owners / Managers / Operators should take into consideration above amendments so the equipment installed on or after 1 July 2019 should be type approved to the amended performance standards.

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