Alert on detainable deficiencies

23 April 2019 |  C19024

Following a recent Port State Control (PSC) inspection, two deficiencies have been imposed that resulted in the detention of the vessel.  Dromon wishes to draw attention to those detainable deficiencies to avoid re-occurrence.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) inoperative

During the PSC inspection, it was noted that the BNWAS – 2nd and 3rd stage alarm – was not working.

The purpose of a Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) is to monitor the bridge activity and detect operator disability which could lead to marine accidents. The system monitors the awareness of the Office of the Watch (OOW) and automatically alerts the Master or another qualified OOW if for any reason the OOW becomes incapable of performing the OOWs duties. This purpose is achieved by a series of indications and alarms to alert first the OOW and, if he is not responding, then the alert the Master or another qualified OOW.

As per IMO Resolution MSC.282(86), a BNWAS must be installed and in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea and the BNWAS shall comply with the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.128(75).

Second and third stage remote audible alarm – The remote audible alarm which sounds in the locations of the Master, officers and further crew members capable of taking corrective action at the end of the bridge audible alarm period should be easily identifiable by its sound and should indicate urgency. The volume of this alarm should be sufficient for it to be heard throughout the locations above and to wake sleeping persons.

It is very important to note that in any case that the BNWAS is not fully complied with MSC.128(75), an exemption from the Flag State should be obtained.

Fire Detection and alarm system inoperative

During the PSC Inspection, it was noted that all fire detectors in engine room were not working.

As per MSC.1/Circ.1432, for all cargo ships, the fixed fire detection and alarm systems need to be monthly tested and inspected. The crew should verify that all fire detection and fire alarm control panel indicators are functional by operating the lamp/indicator test switch.

On a monthly basis, the crew should test a sample of detectors and manual call points so that all devices have been tested within five years.

On an annual basis, the fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems should be tested and inspected. More specifically the crew should:

  1. test fire detection systems and fire detection systems used to automatically release fire-extinguishing systems for proper operation, as appropriate;
  2. visually inspect all accessible detectors for evidence of tampering obstruction, etc., so that all detectors are inspected within one year; and
  3. test the emergency power supply switchover.

Additionally, on 5-yearly basis, for the water mist, water spray and sprinkler systems, the Service Supplier or the crew in presence of a Dromon Surveyor should carry out the fixed local-application fire-extinguishing system for engine rooms full flow test of minimum one section and spot check of fire detection/automatic release system.

The crew should be reminded on the testing and maintenance of the fire detection and fire alarm system requirements. Dromon Publication on onboard maintenance and drills agenda, should be followed enabling the crew to comply with the regulations.

Act now

Surveyors must take note on the above detainable deficiencies and give special attention during forthcoming class and statutory surveys, irrespective of scope.

Shipowners / Managers / Operators are kindly requested to pay special attention into these deficiencies, note the regulation’s requirements and to inform Masters on taking corrective actions, if necessary.

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