Flag Administrations Notices for upcoming surveys due to COVID-19 pandemic

03 April 2020 |  C20015 – Revision 2

The Flag Administrations authorizing Dromon have released their official Notices regarding any upcoming vessel’s surveys due to the difficulties Owners may face following the COVID-19 pandemic

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

On March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, a pandemic.

In view of the above, complications may be raised for the regular shipping operations, due surveys/audits, due to travelling restrictions and since each country is issuing separate policies.

Similarly, each Flag Administration has implemented and released their own policy regarding upcoming surveys that may delay and are in risk of getting out of their window, as well as the seafarers certification requirements, as listed below.

  • Panama Maritime Authority has released MMN-03-2020 & MMN-07-2020 on 27 March, 2020;
  • IMMARBE – The Belizean Administration has released MMN-20-0020, on March 17, 2020;
  • Commonwealth of Dominica – The Administration has released CD-MSC 02-20, on March 16, 2020;
  • Cook Islands – The Administration has released Maritime Circular MCI 227/2020, on March 19, 2020 & MCI 229/2020 on April 01, 2020;
  • Honduras – The Administration has issued Circular DGMM No. 008-2020 on March 25, 2020;
  • Togo – The Administration has released Circular 0039C/TG/03/20 on March 24, 2020; and
  • Tanzania – The Administration has released Circular FSI 01/03/2020.


DromonClass will be updating current Circular with the rest of Flag Administrations requirements and Notices that may be released the following days.

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators should take into consideration above issued Flag Administrations and are requested to act promptly in order to avoid any complexities with the local PSC Authorities as we all their Administration itself.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators should check DromonClass notice for surveys here.

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