2019 Annual Report on CO2 Emissions from Maritime Transport

28 May 2020 |  C20026

The European Commission (EC) has issued the 2019 report on MRV data for CO2 emissions from the Maritime transport

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors / Verifiers

On 1st July 2015 Regulation (EU) 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport, known as the EU-MRV Regulation, came in force with an aim to provide reliable information on CO2 emissions from the shipping sector.

The EC has published the 2019 report on MRV data for CO2 emissions from Maritime transport that has been prepared using data from the implementation of the EU-MRV Regulation. All information included was extracted on 23 September 2019 and data provided or updated after this date is not reflected in the report.

The report includes a summary of the monitoring fleet presenting that more than 11,600 ships have taken part in this first monitoring exercise. These ships represent about 38% of the world merchant ships above 5,000 gross tonnage (GT).

The monitored fleet has a total carrying capacity of about 650 million deadweight tonnage (DWT) and five types of ship represent more than 80% of the fleet, as shown in the figure below.

Fleet distribution & results

In respect of ownership, more than half of the monitored fleet (in terms of gross tonnage) is owned by entities based in the EU. These owners are not necessarily the MRV companies or the ones operating the ships. Concerning the age, on average, ships in the monitored fleet are 11 years old.

In their emission reports, companies have reported more than 180,000 sources of emissions on board their ships, including main engines (20%); auxiliary engines (50%); boilers (20%); and insert gas generators (2%). While CO2 emissions are monitored for each type of fuel consumed, they are not reported per source of emissions.

Among others, the report refers to the monitored voyages, the main shipping routes, the fleet speed, the time spent at sea and distance travelled, the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from the monitored fleet, the technical and operational energy efficiency of the monitored fleet and the operational energy efficiency of the monitored fleet.

In total, the monitored fleet emitted more than 138 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2018. These emissions originated from 11,653 ships that burned fossil fuels to perform over 400,000 voyages, travelled 323 million nautical miles, and transported the vast majority of EU’s external freight trade.

DromonClass as a Verification Body

Dromon Bureau of Shipping (DromonClass) is an accredited Verification Body and can provide worldwide services related to the EU-MRV Regulation and to the assess monitoring plans, verify emissions reports and issue the required Document of Compliance (DoC) to each ship.

For the first reporting period DromonClass has verified 129 emission reports and has verified 692,370.62 tonnes of emissions.


Source: EC

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