Revised IMO and ILO Guidances during the COVID-19 pandemic

20 July 2020 |  C20031

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has revised the guidance for flag States regarding surveys and renewal of certificates, while the International Labour Organization (ILO) has revised the guidance of Maritime Labour issues, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

Revised IMO Guidance for flag States regarding surveys and renewals of certificates during the COVID-19

All ships must be surveyed and verified by the flag State Administrations or their Ros, RSOs nominated surveyors so that relevant certificates can be issued to establish that the ships are designed, constructed, maintained and managed in compliance with the requirements of IMO conventions, codes and other instruments. This system of survey and certification forms the backbone of the maritime safety and security and environmental protection regime of the Organization and it is critically important that ships remain subject to the existing statutory regime to the greatest extent possible.

IMO has released a revised guidance for flag States regarding surveys and renewals of certificates during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The revised IMO guidance makes specific reference to ILO Information Note on periodic examinations of lifting appliances and items of loose gear under ILO Convention No. 152 during the COVID-19 pandemic.[1]

Revised ILO Information note on Maritime Labour issues and COVID-19

The updated ILO guidance on Maritime Labour issues provides guidance on matters pertaining to:

  1. Seafarers’ safety and health
  2. Facilitation of transit and transfer of seafarers and repatriation
  3. Expiry of seafarers’ employment agreements
  4. Maximum period of service on board and safeguards
  5. Reduction of minimum manning
  6. Expiry of medical certificates
  7. Certification in respect of training and qualifications
  8. Maritime labour certificate and inspections
  9. Social protection: Seafarers’ entitlement to paid sick leave in case of infection or quarantine
  10. Shore leave and welfare facilities during the pandemic
  11. Abandonment of seafarers

Act now

ShipOwners/ Managers/ Operators should take into consideration the revised Guidances and take all necessary measures and precautions to safeguard their vessels as well as the health and labour issues of their seafarers.


[1] Reference is made to ILO’s Information note on the Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, 1979 (No. 152) and coronavirus (COVID-19) at:–en/index.htm 

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