Alert on detainable deficiencies

23 October 2020 |  C20045

Following a recent Port State Control (PSC) inspection, a number of deficiencies have been imposed that resulted in the detention of the vessel.  Dromon wishes to draw attention to these detainable deficiencies to avoid re-occurrence.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors


Following the PSC Inspection, it was noted that the explosion-proof type or intrinsically safe two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus for fire-fighter’s communication was missing.

According to SOLAS II-2/10.10.4, for ships constructed on or after 1 July 2014, a minimum of two (2) two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus for each fire party for fire-fighter’s communication shall be carried on board. Those two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus shall be of an explosion-proof type or intrinsically safe. Ships constructed before 1 July 2014 needed to comply with this requirement not later than the first survey after 1 July 2018.

The intrinsically safe two-way radios, which are part of the firefighter’s outfit, meet very strict manufacturing standards and in comparison, with hand portable radios, they eliminate the risks of sparks and limit the heat produced by the device.

Ship Managers are requested to ensure that proper two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus for fire-fighter’s communication are kept on board their vessels in order to avoid such deficiency in the future.


The PSC report indicated that the engine room pipe vent was found holed due to heavy corrosion.

This particular deficiency shows that three major issues are the main cause: the lack of planned maintenance properly followed by the crew on board, the lack of Crew Familiarization with SMS system and the lack of monitoring by the ISM Company.

Shipowners / Managers / Operators are kindly requested to pay special attention into such serious deficiencies.


During the PSC Inspection, it was noted that several portside bulwarks stay cracked due to corrosion.

Bulwarks are provided for the protection of crew and cargoes, and lashing of cargoes on deck. Bulwarks can be subject to significant longitudinal bending stress which can lead to fracture and corrosion, especially at the end of bulwarks. These fractures may propagate to deck plating and cause serious damage.

Following the corroded pipe vent, again this deficiency shows same lack from the crew. Shipowners / Managers / Operators should ensure that there is visual inspections and a maintenance programme in place for the bulwarks on board their vessels.


Through the PSC Inspection the mooring rope drums from the forward mooring winches and the port side gypsy wheel were wasted due to heavy corrosion. The port side gypsy wheel is wasted due to heavy corrosion.

Correct operation of the mooring equipment onboard is important for the overall safe operation of a vessel in port. In order to ensure safety, it’s imperative for ship’s personnel to maintain high standards of integrity of the mooring equipment. A way to achieve this is to incorporate all the parts of the mooring equipment into the ship’s planned maintenance system.

Some of the important points that must be considered while carrying out mooring equipment maintenance are given below:

  1. Make Checks Prior Mooring;
  2. Do Frequent Greasing of Moving Parts;
  3. Check Brake Liners;
  4. Check Break Drums;
  5. Check Brake Linkages;
  6. Inspect Gear / Hydraulic Oil;
  7. Carry Out Regular Visual Inspection;
  8. Clear Walkway; and
  9. Maintenance of Steel Wire Mooring Ropes.


Another deficiency imposed was that the ship’s toilet flushing water system was inoperative. 

According to MLC, 2006, Guideline B3.1.7 all toilets should be of an approved pattern and provided with an ample flush of water or with some other suitable flushing means, such as air, which are available at all times and independently controllable.

In addition, the crew should carry frequent inspections to verify that the sanitary facilities are in serviceable condition.


Lastly, during the PSC Inspection, it was noted that holds no.1 cover edges were heavy corroded and holed in several points. Also, cargo holds were not water tight.

The route cause for such a deficiency can be:

  1. The combined effect of the marine environment and the high humidity atmosphere within cargo hold that gives rise to a high corrosion rate; and
  2. Due to difficult access for the maintenance of the protective coating.

Shipowners / Managers / Operators should ensure that regular inspections of the cargo holds should be carried out to identify general levels of corrosion. If any holes are detected, then relevant actions need to be followed. Special attention should be paid after heavy weather. A maintenance plan, including painting and polishing, must be followed in order to prevent the corrosion and spot any early signs of damage and take the steps needed to fix the issue before the amount of damage escalates.

Act now

Surveyors / Auditors must take note on the above detainable deficiencies and give special attention during forthcoming class and statutory surveys and audits, irrespective of scope.

Shipowners / Managers / Operators are kindly requested to pay special attention into those deficiencies, note the Regulations requirements and to inform Masters on taking corrective actions, if necessary.

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