Panama Flag Annual Safety Inspection for vessels that arrive at any Italian port

17 June 2021 |  C21014

Panama wishes to inform all concerned parties for the new requirement on flag state inspections for vessels with Priority 1 in Paris MoU Inspection and selection scheme that arrive at any port in Italy.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

The Paris MoU implemented an initiative to identify high-quality ships and flags and provide incentives to encourage quality operations. This initiative, called White List has a goal to recognise and reward high-quality vessels for their commitment to safety and quality.

The Paris MoU Inspection and Selection Scheme is based on a ship’s Risk Profile, which determines the scope, frequency, and priority of inspections. Periodic Inspections are carried out at intervals determined by the ship risk profile.

Ships become due for periodic inspection in the following time windows:

  • For HRS – between 5-6 months after the last inspection in the Paris MoU region;
  • For SRS – between 10-12 months after the last inspection in the Paris MoU region; and
  • For LRS – between 24-36 months after the last inspection in the Paris MoU region.

The selection scheme is divided into two priorities:

  • Priority I: ships must be inspected because either the time window has closed or there is an overriding factor; and
  • Priority II: ships may be inspected because they are within the time window or the port State considers an unexpected factor warrants an inspection.


Panama currently belongs to the Paris MoU white list; however, the Administration has detected an increase of detentions in the Paris MoU, specifically in Italy. These detentions have in common that they are ships with Priority 1 in Paris MoU Inspection and Selection Scheme.

For the aforementioned and in order to maintain the white list status in the Paris MoU, the Administration has decided that is compulsory that all Panamanian flag vessels with Priority 1 in Paris MoU Inspection and Selection Scheme, that arrive at any port in Italy, must Conduct a Flag annual safety inspection (ASI) as soon as they arrive at any port or terminal in Italy.

If required, that the Shipowners/Operators will assume the travel, food, and lodging expenses of the Flag Inspector designated to attend to their vessels.

To know and/or calculate the risk level of your vessels, the Administration urges Shipowners/Operators to enter the following Paris MoU links and follow the steps to carry out the calculation of the company’s performance and then calculate the level of risk (priority factor) of their vessels.

Non-compliance with the provisions of the above will be subject to the Administration’s sanction. Refusing for the first time carries a penalty of 10,000.00 USD. The recurrence will be grounds for the cancellation of the Panamanian registry immediately.

Act now

Ship Owners / Managers / Operators should take into consideration the above notice and ensure compliance on board vessels registered at Panama flag.

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