UK MRV: Templates of MPs and ERs

02 December 2021 |  C21039

Following C21034, this Circular wish to inform all parties on the templates and technical rules for the submission of monitoring plans, emissions reports, and documents of compliance under the UK MRV Scheme.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors/Auditors/Verifiers

The United Kingdom Department of Transport (DoT) has published on November 23, 2021, the guidelines that set out the templates and technical rules for the submission of monitoring plans, emissions reports, and the Document of Compliance under the UK MRV Scheme.

Template on monitoring plan

Companies shall draw up the monitoring plan referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2015/757 using a template corresponding to the model set out in Annex I to MGN 662(M).

Companies may split the monitoring plan into a company-specific part and a ship-specific part, provided that all elements set out in Annex I are covered. The information contained in the company-specific part, which may include Tables B.2, B.5, D, E and F.1 of Annex I to MGN 662(M), shall be applicable to each of the ships for which the company is to submit a monitoring plan pursuant to Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2015/757.

Companies with an existing monitoring plan under the EU MRV regime are encouraged to contact Dromon Environmental Division on the suitability of the existing monitoring plan for the UK MRV regime.

An assessed UK MRV monitoring plan needs to be in place by December 31, 2021. While, in practice few verifiers will have UKAS accreditation by the end of 2021, until the end of 2022, Companies can use a Verifier that is applying for UKAS accreditation, providing the Verifier that is already accredited under the EU MRV Scheme.

Dromon is currently under process to be re-accredited as a Verification Body under the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) but continues to be accredited under the EU MRV Scheme with the Hellenic Accreditation Body (ESYD).

For the Companies that have vessels that fall under both EU and UK MRV Regulations, we have implemented a template attached to this Circular that adapts both Regulations and may assist you revising your monitoring plan.

Template of the emissions report

For the purposes of submitting the emissions report pursuant to Article 11(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/757, companies shall use the electronic version of the template.

The electronic version of the template of the emissions report shall contain the information set out in Annex II to MGN 662(M).

Template of Document of Compliance (DoC)

For the purposes of issuing a document of compliance pursuant to Article 17(4) of Regulation (EU) 2015/757, Dromon shall provide relevant data using the electronic version of the template.

The electronic version of the template for the document of compliance shall contain the information set out in Annex III to MGN 662(M).

Act now

Ship Owners / Managers / Operators should be urged to prepare their monitoring plans and emission reports based on the provided guideline and its Annexes.

Dromon is currently under process to be re-accredited as a Verification Body under the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

Since the three reporting schemes run in parallel, Dromon can act as a single Verification Body for the EU MRV, UK MRV and IMO DCS schemes. Given that the three schemes have a number of similarities, the verification process can take place at one verification audit using the same source of data therefore, reducing the regulatory burden.

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