- August 10, 2022
- 2022 , Publications
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DBS CII Calculator is now live
10 August 2022
We are pleased to announce that our newly developed CII Calculator web app is now live and available through our website at cii.dromon.com as of 10th of August 2022.
Notice to: Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors/Auditors/Verifiers
The Marine Environmental Protection Committee, adopted, at its 76th session, by resolution MEPC.328(76), the 2021 Revised MARPOL Annex VI, which will enter into force on 1 November 2022, and contains amendments concerning the mandatory goal-based technical and operational measures to reduce carbon intensity of international shipping.
In that direction, through Regulation 28.1 of MARPOL Annex VI, the ships to which the regulation applies, are required to calculate the attained annual operational Carbon Intensity Index (CII), taking into account the IMO Guidelines.
In order to provide guidance for uniform and effective implementation of regulations and to provide sufficient lead time for the industry to prepare, the Committee adopted by MEPC.352 (78), the 2022 Guidelines on the Operational Carbon Intensity Indicators and Calculation Methods.
A Dromon approved enhanced Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) needs to be kept onboard from January 01, 2023. The enhanced SEEMP part III will require companies to specify the methodology the ship will use to calculate the attained carbon intensity indicator (CII).
To download the SEEMP Part II & SEEMP III template click here.
DBS has developed a CII Calculator, taking into account the 2022 Guidelines according to all the latest Resolutions of Marine Environmental Protection Committee Meeting 78.
Act now
Ship Owners / Managers / Operators are encouraged to use our CII Calculator to ensure compliance with the latest requirements regarding carbon intensity indicator and have the SEEMP Part III manual ready for submission and approval by Dromon Head Office as soon as possible, since the Confirmation of Compliance needs to be onboard by 01/01/2023.
DBS Environmental Division may assist you through environmental@dromon.com