Extended Dry-Docking (EDD) Scheme

The Panama Maritime Authority through Merchant Marine Notice 06/2022, provided insight of the Merchant Marine Circular 204, that the Extended Interval between Surveys in Dry-Dock, also called “Extended Dry-Docking (EDD) Scheme” can be accepted by the Administration upon reviewing of DBS.

C22030  |  01 July 2022

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors / Auditors

MMN 06/2022 applies only to ships in service up to 10 years of age since date of built. On the contrary, the following ship types are not eligible for the EDD Scheme:  

  • Passenger ships;
  • Bulk carriers;
  • Oil tankers;
  • Ships subject to ESP;
  • Ships subject to the Hull Survey Requirements of IACS UR Z7.1;
  • Ships fitted with propulsion thrusters;
  • Ships where the propeller connection to the shaft is by means of a keyed taper; and
  • High Speed Craft (HSC).

All ships in an EDD Scheme shall be dis-enrolled once the ship reaches 15 years of age. No extensions should be granted for the dry-docking required at the end of each extended dry docking period.

According to the IMO Resolution A.1156(32) “Survey Guidelines for the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2021”, as amended, is stated that consideration to alternate inspections with the ship afloat may be given by the Administration.

Ships meeting the requirements according to IACS may be permitted to carry out two (2) consecutive in-water surveys instead of dry docking and have the privilege to extend their docking period from 5 to 7.5 years, subject to the approval of the Administration.
Required documentation to be submitted by the owner/ company representative to DBS, before the approval of the Flag State, according to the IACS Recommendation No.133 are the following:

  • Provisions for carrying out maintenance required on electric/electronic sensors e.g. Echo-sounder, Doppler-Log, Speed log (propeller speed log or backpressure speed log), seawater temperature gauges, electronic draught reading, etc.;
  • Provisions for maintaining the draft marks fore, aft and midships as well as Load line marks (painted and welded figures) and all other required hull markings;
  • Maintenance required of thrusters and stabilizers, if fitted, and provision for carrying out surveys or maintenance or as required by DBS;
  • Service experience to-date with hull coating system covered by manufacturer’s guarantee that the underwater coatings used are designed to last for the extended period since the coating is to remain effective for the extended dry-docking period;
  • Impressed current cathodic protection system or provisions for renewal of external hull sacrificial anodes in the afloat condition.

The EDD Scheme will be terminated in cases of change of the ship’s Owner, Management, or Flag State.

DBS may dis-enroll a ship from an EDD scheme at any time if the conditions for maintaining this extended dry-dock scheme are not fulfilled anymore. A formal written notification has to be sent to the Flag State for information purposes only.

Click here to see the Guidelines for Pilot Schemes of Extended Interval between Surveys in the Dry-Dock – Extended Dry-docking (EDD) Scheme (IACS Recommendation No.133).


Act Now

Ship Owners / Managers / Operators of vessels eligible for the EDD scheme should take into consideration the above Guidelines.

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