Barbadian Authorisation of Service Provider

C23009 | 14 February 2023

Notice to: Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators / Surveyors/ Auditors/ Service Suppliers

Barbados Maritime Ship Registry issued Bulletin 041 – Barbadian Authorisation of Service Provider. Bulletin 041

1. References

a) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS);
b) RESOLUTION MSC.402(96) – Requirements for maintenance thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliance and release gear.

2. Purpose

2.1 Beginning 1 January 2020, a service provider, or manufacturer acting as a service provider, must be authorised by the Barbados Maritime Ship Registry (BMSR) according to MSC.402(96). under the provisions of Regulation 20.11.5 of Chapter III of SOLAS prior to providing maintenance, examination, testing, overhaul or repair of:

2.1.1 lifeboats (including free-fall lifeboats);

2.1.2 rescue boats;

2.1.3 fast rescue boats;

2.1.4 launching appliances; and

2.1.5 on-load and off-load release gear for lifeboats (including primary and secondary means of launching appliances for free-fall lifeboats), rescue boats and davit- launched life rafts.

2.2 This bulletin provides guidance on examination, testing, servicing, maintenance, and repairs of the items listed in 2.1 above, on board Barbados flagged vessels.

3. Barbadian Authorisation of Service Provider

3.1 The BMSR does not approve service providers but only authorises a service provider with an authorisation document, the Authorisation of Service Provider (BASP).

3.2 The BASP is specific to the vessel requiring servicing of any of the items listed in 2.1 above and is only valid for 3 months from the date of issue.

3.3 The BASP is valid subject to the following conditions:

3.3.1 The service provider shall hold a valid Approved Service Supplier Certificate (ASSC) issued by a Barbados Recognised Organisation (RO) verifying that the provider meets the requirements of MSC.402(96).

3.3.2 Service engineers shall have valid Qualification Certificates issued by the equipment manufacturer or by the Approved Service Provider to whom this BASP was issued. The Qualification Certificate must define the service engineer’s level of qualification and the scope of the certification (e.g. makes and types of equipment);

3.3.3 A copy of the BASP shall be attached to each service or maintenance report issued by the authorised service provider to the vessel.

3.3.4 A copy of the Qualification Certificate for the service engineer(s) who inspects and/or services the equipment shall also be attached to the report.

3.4 Requests for a BASP shall be submitted by email to prior to the servicing and shall be accompanied by a valid ASSC of the service provider.

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators/ Service Suppliers should take into consideration all the above and ensure compliance of Barbadian vessels and Surveyors/ Auditors should confirm the said compliance during surveys / audits as appropriate.

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