Rescue Boat – Davit Equivalence (amended) on Barbadian Vessels

C23011 | 20 February 2023

Notice to: Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators / Surveyors/ Auditors / Service Suppliers

Barbados Maritime Ship Registry issued Bulletin 194, Rescue Boat- Davit Equivalence (amended). Bulletin 194

Regulations III/17 and III/16 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) require the launching of a rescue boat which is not one of the ship’s survival craft to comply with the requirements of section 6.1 of the International Life Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code).

The Government of Barbados considers that the manual handling of light rescue boats, served by a crane which has to be slewed in the outboard position for lowering the boat into the water by gravity, could be regarded as an equivalent arrangement of stored mechanical power as required in paragraph of the LSA Code, because the use of a hand operated mechanism simplifies the davit construction and improves the reliability substantially.

In view of the above, the Government of Barbados gives notification of the following equivalent arrangement to the requirement of stored mechanical power in paragraph of the LSA Code.

“On ships equipped with a six persons rescue boat which is not one of the ship’s survival craft, having a weight of less than 7000N in fully equipped condition, with engine but without the crew, the launching appliance of the crane does not need to be fitted with stored mechanical power. Slewing of the launching appliance shall be possible by one person against an adverse list of 20 degrees and a trim of 10 degrees.

The facility for manual hoisting of the rescue boat is also considered to be an acceptable equivalent arrangement to stored mechanical power.

For the other aspects the launching appliance shall be in full compliance with paragraphs 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 of the LSA Code.”

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators/ Service Suppliers should take into consideration all the above and ensure compliance of Barbadian vessels and Surveyors/ Auditors should confirm the said compliance during surveys / audits as appropriate.

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