ITF Inspection Campaign 2023 in Mediterranean Ports – Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo Vessels

C23018 | 03 April 2023

Notice to: Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators / Surveyors/ Auditors

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has announced a campaign in the Ports of the Mediterranean Sea, spanning eight weeks (16th March to 11th May 2023) and targeting more than 1000 vessels flying the flags of the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

ITF has announced that during this campaign an army of its own inspectors and those of other seafarers’ unions and dockers’ authorities will carry out checks throughout the Mediterranean on the Safety and welfare of seafarers on board ships. The CIC will be focused on the MLC Application and on the Safety condition of the vessels. The ITF inspectors’ efforts will be bolstered in France by the country’s Port State Control agencies, which are organised regionally.

Dromon Bureau of Shipping has developed a checklist to be used and filled by all Exclusive Surveyors during attendance to Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo flagged ships, aiming to aid compliance to MLC Application and ensure the Safety condition of the attended vessels.

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators should take into consideration all the above and ensure that vessels under their management are in compliance with the Maritime Labour convention, 2006, as amended, requirements and that the Safety condition of the vessels is appropriate.

Surveyors/ Auditors are to ensure that the required items on the CIC checklist (uploaded on myDromon platform) are inspected and that the checklist is duly filled and submitted along with any comments deemed necessary. When deficiencies are found, Surveyors shall inform DBS Head office by imposing a Notice of Recommendation, clearly indicating the recommendation and due date for rectification.

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