Port State Control CIC on Fire Safety

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors / Masters

C23041 | 17 August 2023

This circular is issued to advise that the Paris and Tokyo MoUs have agreed to run a  Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on the topic of fire safety, running from 1 September to 30 November. Ships will only be subject to one inspection under this CIC.

The majority of PSC MoUs have confirmed their participation in this year’s CIC.

The purpose of the campaign is:

  • to create awareness among the ship’s crew and owners about the importance of fire safety measures; and
  • to verify that the ship complies with fire safety requirements under the relevant IMO instruments.


The campaign will examine specific areas related to fire safety in conjunction with the regular Port State Control inspection. Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a pre-defined questionnaire, to assess that fire-fighting systems and equipment comply with the relevant requirements, that the master and crew members are familiar with operations relating to fire safety, and that equipment is properly maintained and functioning.

If deficiencies are found, actions by the port State may vary from recording a deficiency and instructing the Master to rectify it within a certain period of time to detaining the ship until all serious deficiencies have been rectified.

The results of the campaign will be analysed and findings will be presented to the governing bodies of both MoUs for possible submission to the IMO.

In response to this year’s CIC, the flag states of Panama and Turkey have already implemented actions to prepare their registered vessels.

Since March 2023, flag state inspectors from the Panama Maritime Authority have been using an additional CIC Checklist to determine the level of compliance regarding fire safety and ISM to prepare for this year’s campaign.

This checklist, in addition to the items included in the Paris and Tokyo MoU questionnaire also includes checking that:

  • latest revisions of the SMS manuals, procedures and records are readily available at relevant locations
  • the Identity and contact details of the DPA have been reported to the flag Administration, if required
  • drills as required by SOLAS and as per the company’s SMS have been carried out
  • the SMS contains documented procedures for key shipboard operations
  • all accidents, incidents, injuries and near misses are being reported
  • the ship has implemented and is maintaining an effective planned and/or preventive maintenance system (PPMS)
  • critical and standby equipment and systems have been identified and routine testing is being carried out
  • records of maintenance and test activities are available
  • The vessel is clean, tidy, habitable and well illuminated
  • following a PSC detention, corrective action taken by the ship is not limited to the PSC deficiencies


DBS has incorporated all items in a relevant checklist to be used by DBS surveyors when attending onboard ships,


Act now

Ship Owners, Managers, Operators, Surveyors, Auditors, DPAs, and vessel Masters should note the contents of the Press release, and be guided accordingly. The questionnaire may be used to ensure that ships are well prepared for the CIC.

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