Life-saving Appliances (LSA) – onboard Barbados flagged ships

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors / Masters

C23048 | 23 August 2023

This Circular is issued to give guidance on the examination, testing, servicing, maintenance, and repairs to life saving appliances including survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances aboard Barbados flagged vessels as detailed in Barbados Maritime Ship Registry Bulletin-349

Key points are:

Authorization of Life Saving Equipment (LSA) Service Providers:

Barbados Maritime Ship Registry will accept only service providers authorised by other administrations or by their Recognised Organisation, specifically for each make and type of equipment on board of the vessel. Evidence of such authorisations shall be made available on board to FSI surveyors, attached to service reports. Refer to BMSR Bulletin 322.

Maintenance, Examination, Testing , Servicing and Repair of Life Saving Appliances (LSA)

  1. The maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release mechanisms, is to be conducted in accordance with the requirements given in Resolution MSC.402(96) and the instructions for onboard maintenance as required by regulation 36 of SOLAS 74 Chapter III (as amended).
  2. Weekly and monthly inspections and routine maintenance as specified in the equipment maintenance manual(s), are to be conducted by authorized service providers, or by shipboard personnel under the direction of a senior ship’s officer, in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance manual(s).
  3. The annual servicing and five yearly thorough examination of lifeboats, rescue boats, and the associated launching appliances including the release mechanisms, is to be carried out by authorized service providers for each make and model in accordance with Resolution MSC 402(96). Authorizations previously provided to third party lifeboat service providers under Annex I of MSC.1 Circ. 1206/Rev.1 are no longer permitted.
  4. Annual thorough examination and operational testing is to be carried out by certified personnel employed by the manufacturer, or authorized service providers in accordance with Resolution MSC 402(96).
  5. Five-yearly thorough examinations, any overhaul, overload operational tests (as described in section 6.3, of Resolution MSC.402(96)), and repair, is to be conducted by certified personnel of either the manufacturer or an authorized service provider.
  6. The five yearly thorough examination, any overhaul, overload or operational tests, must always be conducted in the presence of a class surveyor.
  7. A copy of valid documents of certification of personnel and authorization of the service provider is to be included with the statement issued by the manufacturer or authorized service provider who conducted the work.
  8. Personnel who perform the annual thorough examinations and operational test and five yearly thorough examinations, any overhaul, overload tests and repairs must be certified by the manufacturer or authorized service provider, for each make/type of the equipment to be worked on in accordance with the specified minimum capabilities, education, training and quality system requirements.

HSSC and Harmonizing Servicing Intervals of LSA

  1. The servicing intervals of inflatable life rafts and marine evacuation systems (MES) for ships may be in concert with the terms of the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) annual, periodical and renewal survey stipulated in the 1988 SOLAS Protocol notwithstanding regulation III/20.8 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention (as amended), which requires inflatable life rafts and MES to be serviced at intervals not exceeding 12 months.
  2. The annual servicing interval may be carried out up to -/+ 3 months of the due date for a ship implementing the HSSC and extended to 17 months for a ship not implementing the HSSC, where it is impracticable to carry out the service. In all cases a dispensation is required from the Administration when servicing of inflatable life rafts and/or MES will exceed the 12-month period.

Examinations and Tests of Launching Appliances

  1. Launching appliances are to be subjected to thorough examination at the annual surveys required by regulations 1/7 and 1/8 of SOLAS 74 Chapter III (as amended), and upon completion of the examination, subjected to a dynamic test of the winch brake at maximum lowering speed.
  2. The load applied shall be the mass of the survival craft or rescue boat without persons on board, except that, at intervals of at least once every five years, the test shall be carried out with a proof load equal to 1.1 times the mass of the survival craft or rescue boat and its full complement of persons and equipment.

Examination and Tests of Lifeboat and Rescue Boat Release Gear

  1. Lifeboat and rescue boat release gear including fast rescue boat and free-fall lifeboat release systems, are to be subjected to a thorough examination and operational test during the annual surveys required by regulations 1/7 and 1/8 of SOLAS 74, Chapter III (as amended).
  2. On-load release gear are to be operationally tested under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the boat (loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment) whenever the release gear is overhauled. Such overhauling and operational testing is to be carried out at least once every five years. The operational testing of free-fall lifeboat release mechanisms is to be performed either by free fall launching with only the operating crew on board, or by a test, without launching the lifeboat, carried out based on the requirements in Resolution MSC. 402(96).

Examination and Tests of Davit-Launched Life Raft Automatic Release Hooks 

The automatic release hooks are to be subjected to a thorough examination and operational test during the annual surveys required by regulations 1/7 and 1/8 of SOLAS 74 Chapter III (as amended) and operationally tested under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the life raft when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment whenever the automatic release hook is overhauled.
Such overhauling and operational test shall be carried out at least once every five years.

Examination and Tests of Lifeboats and Rescue Boats, including Fast Rescue Boats

Lifeboats and rescue boats, including fast rescue boats, are to be subject to a thorough examination and operational test during the annual surveys required by regulations 1/7 and 1/8 of SOLAS 74 Chapter III (as amended).

Examination and Tests of Lifeboat Air Support Systems

  1. In accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines, the air support system is to be subject to periodic inspection carried out by the vessel’s crew monthly, as required by Regulation 20.7 of SOLAS 74 Chapter III (as amended).
  2. All lifeboat air support systems and bottles are to be examined at least annually by the attending class society surveyor, as part of the annual Safety Equipment Survey. If the air pressure in the cylinders should fall below ten percent (10%) of the normal air pressure, they are to be recharged in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines. When applicable, the on-board air recharging systems is to be checked for air quality as part of the annual statutory survey for the SEC or MODU Code certificate. If the ship is not equipped with such an air compressor then the cylinders must be sent ashore to an authorized service facility for recharging or exchange.
  3. Hydrostatic testing of lifeboat air support cylinders is to be carried out once every five years or in accordance with the recommendations of the cylinder manufacturer, whichever is due first. The air receivers are to be hydrostatically tested prior to refilling. The hydrostatic test date must be permanently stamped on the receiver or on a tag indicating the hydrostatic test date, securely attached to the cylinder.

Operation and Maintenance Manuals

  1. Owners/managers are encouraged to develop manuals for operation and maintenance of lifeboat systems including launching appliances. These manuals should be easy to understand and reflect the equipment used on board the ship.
  2. The use of video materials in conjunction with printed manuals is advised. The manual for a lifeboat system including launching appliance should be developed with the collaboration of the manufacturers and preferably be a single document.

General Safety Precautions Concerning Lifeboats

  1. Officers and crewmembers should be confident that they will be able to safely use the lifesaving appliances.
  2. When servicing davits in the stowed position, the harbour safety pins or other similar safety devices, are to be in place.
  3. When personnel are in the stowed lifeboats, the hanging-off pendants are to be used.
  4. All launching appliances should receive regular maintenance by persons who are familiar with and able to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Checklists are to be used to ensure that all safety precautions are in place before personnel perform maintenance or inspections and that operating procedures are followed including proper stowing/securing after use.
  6. No additional securing arrangements are to be used which are not included in the lowering/free-fall instructions, except for additional securing devices during extreme heavy weather, which must be removed as soon as the weather moderates.
  7. These standard procedures are to be included in each vessel’s safety management system as applicable.


Act now

Ship Owners, Managers, Operators, Surveyors and vessel Masters should note the contents of the BMSR Bulletin, and be guided accordingly.

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