Outcomes of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 80th Session

C23053 | 11 September 2023

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors / Auditors

This circular is issued to advise the outcomes of the 80th session of the IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) which was held from July 3rd to 7th 2023.

MEPC 80 Key Points:

  1. Tackling climate change:
    • 2023 IMO GHG Strategy adopted
    • Reducing GHG emissions from ships
  2. Energy efficiency:
    • Draft amendments to MARPOL
    • Review of the short-term measures (CII and EEXI)
    • Clarification to Guidelines
    • Air pollution and biofuels
  3. Biofouling management – revised Guidelines adopted
  4. Ballast water management – including approval of the Convention Review Plan:
    • BWM Convention amendments
    • Implementing the BWM Convention
  5. Designation of a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area in the in the North-Western Mediterranean to protect cetaceans
  6. Underwater noise – revised Guidelines adopted:
  7. Tackling marine litter:
    • Development of recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers
    • Mandatory reporting of lost containers
  8. Ship-to-ship transfer – proposed Assembly Resolution
  9. Special areas –effective date for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden special areas under MARPOL Annexes I and V
  10. Other matters from the Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) Sub-Committee:
    • Inventory of Hazardous materials – revision of Guidelines
    • Operational Guide on the response to spills of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS)
    • Guidelines for thermal waste treatment devices
    • Marine diesel engine replacing a steam system – unified interpretation
  11. List of Resolutions adopted by MEPC 80
  12. List of Circulars approved by MEPC 80


1. Tackling climate change

2023 IMO Strategy on GHG Emissions

The MEPC 80 session adopted the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, including:

  • An enhanced common ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping close to 2050,
  • A commitment to ensure an uptake of alternative zero and near-zero GHG fuels by 2030, and
  • Indicative check-points for 2030 and 2040.

Levels of ambition agreed within the strategy are:

  • The aim of strengthening the energy efficiency design requirements for ships;
  • To reduce CO2 emissions per transport work, as an average across international shipping, by at least 40% by 2030, compared to 2008;
  • Zero or near-zero GHG emission technologies, fuels and/or energy sources to represent at least 5%, striving for 10%, of the energy used by international shipping by 2030;
  • To peak GHG emissions from international shipping as soon as possible and to reach net-zero GHG emissions by or around (i.e. close to 2050), considering different national circumstances, whilst pursuing efforts towards phasing them out as
    called for in the Vision, consistent with the long-term temperature goal set out in the Paris Agreement.

Indicative checkpoints agreed:

  • To reduce the total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 20%, striving for 30%, by 2030, compared to 2008;
  • To reduce total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 70%, striving for 80%, by 2040, compared to 2008.

The 2023 GHG Strategy also addresses a basket of candidate mid-term measures, delivering on the reduction targets, to be developed and finalized comprising of:

  • A technical element: a goal-based marine fuel standard regulating the phased reduction of the marine fuel’s GHG intensity which should take into account the Well-to-Wake approach; and
  • An economic element: based on a maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism

The timeline for further approval and adoption of the mid-term measures has been agreed, with an expected entry into force date in 2027. The timeline includes the completion for the review of short-term measures by 1 January 2026.

The next revision of the strategy will be in 2028. A timeline for its revision is also included in the 2023 strategy. The below table is the agreed timeline for the milestones under the revised strategy:

Reducing GHG emissions from ships

The MEPC adopted MEPC.376(80) Guidelines on life cycle GHG intensity of marine fuels (LCA guidelines). The LCA guidelines allow for a Well-to-Wake calculation, including Well-to-Tank and Tank-to-Wake emission factors, of total GHG emissions, related to the production and use of marine fuels. The relevant Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are:

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

The guidelines cover the whole fuel life cycle (with specific boundaries), from feedstock, extraction/cultivation/ recovery, feedstock conversion to a fuel product, transportation as well as distribution/bunkering, and fuel utilization on board a ship.

2. Energy Efficiency

Draft amendments to MARPOL

The MEPC approved draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Appendix IX on “Information to be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database”, relating to reporting of data on cargo carried. They will be put forward to MEPC 81 for adoption and enter into force in 2025. The amendments will:

  • Require reporting:
    • of F.O. consumption when the ship is not underway
    • total amount of onshore power supplied
    • F.O. consumption per combustion system e.g. main engines, auxiliary engine, oil-fired boilers
  • Allow data of a company’s ships to be made public at the request of the company;
  • Incorporate total transport work in the IMO DCS using actual tonne-mile, TEU-mile and/or passenger-mile data. The requirement to collect and report transport work data would only apply to ships to which regulation 28 of MARPOL Annex
    VI applied; and
  • Require containerships to report both tonne-mile and TEU-mile data.

The MEPC approved amendments to Regulations 2, 14, 18, 27 and Appendix I of MARPOL Annex VI regarding low flashpoint fuels and other fuel related issues:

  • In Regulation 2, the definition of fuel oil is revised to “any fuel delivered to and intended for use on board a ship”, an additional paragraph is added, for the definition of gas fuel, aligned with the definition of ‘gas’ in IGF Code.
  • Paragraph 12 in Regulation 14, is revised to state that in-use/onboard sampling points requirements do not apply to gas/low-flashpoint fuels.
  • Regulation 18 is amended, and a new paragraph 5.2 is added. The BDN shall contain the information specified in Appendix V of Annex VI, the density determined by a test method appropriate to the fuel type along with the associated
    temperature along with a signed and certified declaration that the fuel oil conforms with the fuel oil quality requirements of Paragraph 3, Regulation 18.
  • In Regulation 27, Collection and Reporting of ship fuel oil consumption data, two new paragraphs are to be added stating that the Secretary-General of the Organization, under strict confidentiality, may share data with analytical consultancies
    and research entities and, on the request of a company, shall grant access to the fuel oil consumption reports of the company’s owned ship(s) in a non-anonymized from to the public.
  • Paragraph 2.3.5, in Appendix I, Form of International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate (Regulation 8) is modified to refer to both low-flashpoint and gas fuels.

Review of the short-term measures, Carbon Intensity Indicator and Energy Efficiency Existing Ships (CII and EEXI)

From 1 January 2023 it became mandatory for all ships to calculate their attained Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), to measure their energy efficiency, and to initiate the collection of data for the reporting of their annual operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and CII rating.

The MEPC approved the review plan of the CII regulations and guidelines, which must be completed at the latest by 1 January 2026. The plan foresees the timeline for the review of the short-term measure as:

  • Data gathering stage: from MEPC 80 to MEPC 82 (autumn 2024);
  • Data analysis stage: working group at MEPC 82 to be continued by a correspondence group; and
  • Convention and Guidelines review stage: an intersessional working group between MEPC 82 and MEPC 83 (spring 2025) as well as a working group at MEPC 83.

Proposals, related to the CII were submitted to MEPC 80 and will be considered as part of the scope for review of short-term measures due to complete by 1 January 2026:

  • Amendment to regulation 19.3 to clarify that regulation 26.3 is not applicable to category A ships as defined in the Polar Code.
  • Amendments to the sample format for the Confirmation of Compliance (MEPC.1/Circ.876) to be consistent with the latest MARPOL Annex VI regulations and relevant guidelines.

Clarification to Guidelines

It was agreed to clarify:

  • that the “Filling rate” used in EEDI calculations refers to the “Loading limit” and not the “Filling limit” in the IGF Code and is subject to the verification of the tank loading limit, corresponding to the normal density used in the calculation of the fuel availability ratio of gas fuel corrected for the power ratio of gas engines to total engines. MEPC.375(80) Amendments to the 2022 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) will supersede Resolution MEPC.365(79).
  • that the supporting evidence and records required by MEPC.335(76) – 2021 Guidelines on the Shaft/Engine Power Limitation system to comply with the EEXI requirements and use of a power reserve are to be submitted to the Flag Administration or RO, and not to the IMO.It was also agreed to include a new appendix giving the reporting format for:
    • Overridable Engine Power Limitation (EPL) or Shaft Power Limitation activation (ShaPoLi),
    • Use of a power reserve and
    • Reactivation of EPL/ShaPoLi.

Air Pollution and Biofuels

The Committee approved an MEPC circular: MEPC.1/Circ.905 Interim guidance on the use of biofuels under regulations 26, 27 and 28 of MARPOL Annex VI (DCS and CII) which will come into force on 01 October 2023.

The guidance allows the assignment of a CO2 emission conversion factor (Cf) considering:

  • Biofuels must be certified by an international certification scheme.
  • Well-to-wake GHG reductions must be at least 65% compared to the well-to-wake emission of fossil MGO.
  • Cf is equal to value of the well-to-wake GHG emissions of the fuel according to the certificate multiplied by its Lower calorific value (LCV) and cannot be less than 0.
  • For blends, the Cf should be based on the weighted average of the Cf for the respective amount of fuels by energy.
  • The verification of the reported biofuel consumption must be backed up with a ‘Proof of Sustainability’ or similar document from a recognized scheme, along with the Bunker Delivery Note.

3. Biofouling management – revised Guidelines adopted

Biofouling is the accumulation of aquatic organisms on wetted or immersed surfaces such as ships and other offshore structures. Good biofouling management helps protect marine biodiversity by preventing the transfer of invasive aquatic species. Keeping a ship’s hull clean also improves fuel efficiency and reduces the ship’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The MEPC adopted MEPC.378(80) Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species (Biofouling Guidelines). The updated guidelines revise the 2011 edition, replacing Chapter 7 (Biofouling- Risk Profile and Monitoring of Risk Parameters) with a new chapter of Contingency-Action Plans to be followed if the monitoring of biofouling risk parameters during ship operation identify an increased risk of biofouling accumulation. The updated guidelines include example forms for the Biofouling Management Plan (BFMP) and Biofouling Record Book (BFRB).

4. Ballast water management – including approval of the Convention Review Plan and adoption of amendments to the BWM Convention

BWM Convention amendments

The MEPC adopted Resolution MEPC.369(80) – Amendments to Appendix II of The BWM Convention concerning the form of The Ballast Water Record Book. The amendments are due to enter into force on 1 February 2025.

These changes are intended to make the form of this record book comparable to that of the Oil Record Book. The reformatted BWRB provides a more detailed list of codes and items to be used for entries made in the BWRB. The ballast activities are
categorized as:

  1. When ballast water is taken on board from the aquatic environment (ballasting operation)
  2. When ballast water is discharged into the aquatic environment (deballasting operation)
  3. Whenever ballast water is exchanged, circulated or treated for ballast water management purposes
  4. Uptake or discharge of ballast water from/to a port-based or reception facility
  5. Accidental discharge/ingress or other exceptional uptake or discharge of ballast water
  6. Failures and inoperabilities of the ballast water management system
  7. Ballast tank cleaning/flushing, removal and disposal of sediments
  8. Additional operational procedures and general remarks.

Implementing the BWM Convention

The MEPC discussed a number of matters relating to the implementation of the BWM Convention, with the main outcomes being:

  • Approved BWM.2/Circ.80 – Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting. This guidance brings clarity to record-keeping and reporting under the BWM Convention, including guidance on:
    • completing the Ballast Water Record Book,
    • an updated example ballast water reporting form and
    • an example form for voluntary tank-by-tank logging of ballast water operations.
  • Adopted MEPC Resolution 370(80) – Amendments to the Guidelines for ballast water management and development of Ballast Water Management Plans.
  • Adopted MEPC Resolution 371(80)- Amendments to the Guidelines for ballast water exchange.
  • Adopted MEPC Resolution 372(80) on Guidance for the use of electronic record books under the BWM Convention. This guidance aims to provide standardized information on approving an electronic record book to ensure the obligations of the BWM Convention are met and that there is a consistent approach to approving such systems. This guidance should be used as soon as possible, i.e. on publication of MEPC.372(80), or when draft amendments to Regulations A-1 and B-2 of the BWM Convention enter into force.
  • Approved draft amendments to regulations A-1 and B-2 of the BWM Convention concerning the use of electronic record books under the Convention with a view to adoption by MEPC 81 and entry into force in November 2025. The amendments include:
    • A definition of “Electronic Record Book”
    • Electronic record book to be approved by the Administration
  • Approved Circular BWM.2/Circ.78 – Protocol for verification of ballast water compliance monitoring devices. This include commissioning testing of ballast water management systems, Port State Control (PSC) inspections, and ships’ self-monitoring. The Protocol defines a list of verification success criteria for Compliance Monitoring Devices (CMDs):
    • Precision (Repeatability): A coefficient of variance (CV) less than 25% is acceptable, less than 10% shows excellent repeatability;
    • Reliability: The percentage of data recovered compared to the data that the CDM was intended to collect over a certain period. More than 90% is acceptable;
    • 80% of the CDM results shall agree with the relevant detailed analysis results.
  • PSC Authorities are encouraged to perform more sampling and analysis of ballast water during PSC inspections. It was noted that such activities, as a part of the Experience Building Phase (EBP) should not result in any penalties being imposed, provided that certain conditions are met, e.g.:
    • Correct installation and maintenance of approved BWMS
    • Approved Ballast Water Management Plan onboard and
    • BWMP includes operational instructions and manufacturer’s specifications
  • The MEPC approved an interpretation clarifying that the interval for accuracy checks for calibration or replacement of BWMS sensors, should not be mandatorily linked to the survey scheme for the BWMS. The accuracy check of BWMS measuring components should be performed in accordance with the manufacturers specified calibration procedure and intervals. A validity check of calibration certificates should be conducted at BWM annual, intermediate and renewal
  • Approved a unified interpretation to the form of the International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC) and regulations B-3.5 and B-3.10 of the BWM Convention, regarding the “date of construction” for a ship which has undergone
    a major conversion in order to implement the BWM Convention.
  • Approved BWM.2/Circ.66/Rev.5 A Unified Interpretation to the BWM Convention and BWMS Code which clarifies that a ship having undergone a major conversion after 8 September 2017 will need to comply with the D-2 BWM standard. However, where the major conversion has taken place:
    • before the first or second IOPPC renewal survey the ship should meet the D-2 standard from the date of completion of the major conversion.
    • after the first or second IOPPC renewal survey the ship should meet the D-2 standard from the date of completion of the first or second IOPCC renewal survey.
  • Granted Approval to two ballast water management systems which make use of electro-chlorination for ballasting and neutralisation with active substances for deballasting:
    • BalClor® Smart
    • EcoGuardian NFTM
  • Granted Basic Approval to ballast water management system HiBallast 2.0TM
  • Extended Final Approval of ballast water treatment system ERMA FIRST BWTS, model FIT 75-3000 for use in fresh water.


5. Designation of a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area

The MEPC agreed to designate a particular sensitive sea area in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea (NW Med PSSA).

The designation includes associated recommendatory protective measures, intended to be followed by any commercial ships and pleasure yachts from 300 gross tonnage and upwards:

  • Mariners should navigate with particular caution within the NW Med PSSA, in areas where large and medium cetaceans (e.g. whales, dolphins, porpoises) are detected or reported, and reduce their speed to between 10 and 13 knots as voluntary speed reduction. However, a safe speed should be kept, so that proper and effective action can be taken to avoid collision, and any possible negative impacts on ship’s manoeuvrability.
  • Mariners should keep an appropriate safety distance or speed reduction measure from any large and medium cetaceans observed or detected in close quarter situation. The safety distance or speed reduction measure should be adapted to the actual navigation circumstances and conditions of the ship.
  • Mariners should broadcast on VHF or other available means, the position of medium and large cetaceans observed or detected within the designated PSSA and transmit the information and the position to the designated coastal Authorities.
  • Mariners should report any collision with cetaceans to the designated coastal Authorities, for forwarding to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) global cetacean ship strikes database.

6. Addressing underwater noise – revised guidelines adopted

The MEPC approved revised MEPC.1/Circ.906 Revised Guidelines for the reduction of underwater radiated noise from commercial shipping to address adverse impacts on marine life.

The guidelines include updated technical knowledge, including reference to international measurement standards, recommendations and classification society rules. They also provide sample templates to assist shipowners with the development
of an underwater radiated noise management plan.

They provide an overview of approaches applicable to designers, shipbuilders and ship operators to reduce the underwater radiated noise of any given ship. They are intended to assist relevant stakeholders in establishing mechanisms and programmes
through which noise reduction efforts can be realized.

The said Guidelines have taken effect since 01 August 2023.

The MEPC approved the dissemination of circular MEPC.1/Circ.907 – Guidelines for underwater radiated noise reduction in Inuit Nunaat and the Arctic, developed by the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). The guidelines recognize that Inuit Nunaat is a unique environment and adverse impacts to marine wildlife in this area from shipping noise may be significantly increased as a result.

7. Tackling marine litter

Development of recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers

The MEPC noted the ongoing work in the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) addressing the risks to the marine environment from plastic pellets.

The Committee noted the two-stage approach agreed by the Sub-Committee in relation to reducing the environmental risk associated with the maritime transport of plastic pellets in freight containers, namely:

  • The development of a draft circular containing recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers, addressing packaging, notification, and stowage, with a view to approval by MEPC 81 in 2024; and
  • The development of amendments to appropriate mandatory instruments, informed by experience gained from the implementation of voluntary measures

The MEPC noted that the PPR Sub-Committee has agreed that plastic pellets should not be carried in bulk.

Mandatory reporting of lost containers

The MEPC approved, for subsequent adoption, draft amendments to MARPOL protocol I, for reporting lost freight containers.

The draft amendments to article V of protocol I of the MARPOL Convention– Provisions concerning reports on incidents involving harmful substances, would add a new paragraph to say that “In case of the loss of freight container(s), the report required by article II (1) (b) shall be made in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS regulations V/31 and V/32.”

Related draft SOLAS chapter V amendments were approved by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 107), requiring the Master of every ship involved in the loss of freight container(s) to communicate the particulars of such an incident to ships in the vicinity, to the nearest coastal State, and also to the flag State.

8. Ship-to-ship transfers – proposed Assembly resolution

The Committee discussed a document aimed at raising awareness of the potential environmental risks and the consequences and concerns for the global marine pollution prevention, and liability and compensation regimes, relating to the increase in ship-to-ship transfers at sea, including ‘dark operations’ (turning off satellite transponders and using other methods of obfuscation, such as location tampering, course deviation etc). The document proposes a draft Assembly Resolution to encourage and urge action, including enhanced monitoring of such operations, which the Committee agreed to forward to the thirty-third session of the Assembly for further consideration with a view to finalization and adoption by Assembly 33.

9. Special areas – effective date for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden special areas under MARPOL Annexes I and V

The MEPC agreed the effective date of 1 January 2025, for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden special areas under MARPOL Annexes I and V, covering all the ports and terminals within the areas.

10. Other matters from the Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) Sub-Committee


  • Adopted MEPC.379(80) 2023 Guidelines for the development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials, following amendments to the Anti-fouling Systems (AFS) Convention to include controls on cybutryne. The Guidelines are to be applied no later than 26th June 2025.
  • Approved the Operational Guide on the Response to Spills of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS). The guidance is for first responders and decision-makers in preparation for and during a maritime incident at sea or in port, when such an incident involves HNS.
  • Approved PPR.1/Circ. 7 – Decisions with regard to the categorization and classification of products. This update requires:
    • a qualifier to be added to reassessed products
    • revised carriage requirements for methyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate
  • Adopted MEPC.378(80) 2023 Guidelines for thermal waste treatment devices (TWTD), The guidelines set maximum emission limits with respect to air, water discharge to sea, and treatment of TWTD residues. Certification of TWTD is divided into two parts:
    • approval of the proposed TWTD under Regulation 4 of MARPOL Annex VI and
    • approval of individual units of TWTD.
  • Ship Owners, Managers and Operators shall need to be obtain the relevant certification for any thermal waste devices fitted in place of shipboard incinerators, under MARPOL Annex VI regulation 16.
  • Approved draft amendments to regulation 13.2.2 of MARPOL Annex VI, with a view to adoption at MEPC 81. These amendments confirm that a marine diesel engine replacing a steam system does not constitute a major modification to the ship which would mean that it would be considered as a new ship.
  • Deferred consideration, until MEPC 81, of the draft 2023 Guidelines as required by regulation 13.2.2 in respect of non-identical replacement engines not required to meet the Tier III. These guidelines clarify that replacement of the steam engine on existing vessels will require compliance with Regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI, taking into account the additional requirements outlined in the Guideline
  • Agreed to update MEPC.1/Circ.795 to include Draft Unified Interpretations to MARPOL Annex VI – Regulation 13.2.2, concerning identical replacement engines in line with the amendments to the regulation 13.2.2 of MARPOL Annex VI with a view to adoption at MEPC 81.
  • Approved a new unified interpretation to regulations 18.5 and 18.6 of MARPOL Annex VI, for inclusion in a revision of MEPC.1/Circ.795/rev.7 on unified interpretations to MARPOL Annex VI. The unified interpretation states that the Bunker Delivery Notes (BDNs) are acceptable in either hard copy or electronic format provided they meet the requirements of MARPOL Annex VI.

List of Resolutions adopted by MEPC 80

  1. RESOLUTION MEPC.369(80)
    • Amendments to Appendix II of The BWM Convention Concerning the Form of The Ballast Water Record Book
  2. RESOLUTION MEPC.370(80)
    • Amendments to The Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water Management Plans (G4)
  3. RESOLUTION MEPC.371(80)
    • Amendments to The Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange (G6)
  4. RESOLUTION MEPC.372(80)
    • Guidelines for The Use of Electronic Record Books Under the Ballast Water Management Convention
  5. RESOLUTION MEPC.373(80)
    • 2023 Guidelines for Thermal Waste Treatment Devices (TWTD)
  6. RESOLUTION MEPC.374(80)
    • Amendments to the 2022 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) (Resolution MEPC.365(79))
  7. RESOLUTION MEPC.375(80)
    • Amendments to the 2021 Guidelines on The Shaft/Engine Power Limitation System to Comply with The EEXI Requirements and Use of a Power Reserve
  8. RESOLUTION MEPC.376(80)
    • Guidelines on Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels (LCA Guidelines)
  9. RESOLUTION MEPC.377(80)
    • 2023 IMO Strategy for Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships
  10. RESOLUTION MEPC.378(80)
    • 2023 Guidelines for The Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species
  11. RESOLUTION MEPC.379(80)
    • 2023 Guidelines for The Development of The Inventory of Hazardous Materials
  12. RESOLUTION MEPC.380(80)
    • Designation of The Northwestern Mediterranean Sea as a PSSA
  13. RESOLUTION MEPC.381(80)
    • Establishment of the date on which the discharge requirements of Regulations 15.3, 15.5 and 34.3 to 34.5 of MARPOL Annex I in respect to The Red Sea and The Gulf of Aden Special Areas, shall take effect
  14. RESOLUTION MEPC.382(80)
    • Establishment of the date on which the discharge requirements of Regulation 6 of MARPOL Annex V, in respect to The Red Sea Special Area, shall take effect

List of Circulars approved by MEPC 80

  1. BWM.2/Circ.66/Rev.5
    • Unified Interpretations to The BWM Convention and The BWMS Code
  2. BWM.2/Circ.78
    • Protocol for Verification of Ballast Water Compliance Monitoring Devices
  3. BWM.2/Circ.79
    • Convention Review Plan Under the Experience-Building Phase Associated with The BWM Convention
  4. BWM.2/Circ.80
    • Guidance on Ballast Water Record-Keeping and Reporting
  5. MEPC.1/Circ.795/Rev.8
    • Unified Interpretations to Regulations 18.5 And 18.6 Of MARPOL Annex VI
  6. MEPC.1/Circ.905
    • Interim Guidance on The Use of Biofuels Under Regulations 26, 27, And 28 of MARPOL Annex VI (DCS and CII)
  7. MEPC.1/Circ.906
    • Revised Guidelines for The Reduction of Underwater Radiated Noise from Shipping to Address Adverse Impacts on Marine Life
  8. MEPC.1/Circ.907
    • Guidelines for Underwater Radiated Noise Reduction In Inuit Nunaat And The Arctic
  9. PPR.1/Circ.7/Rev.1
    • Decisions with Regard to The Categorization and Classification of Products

Act now

Ship Owners / Managers, Operators / Surveyors and Auditors are advised to take note of the above and ensure that necessary planning is carried out to meet the various entry into force dates.

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