IMSBC Code – 6th amendment

C23059 | 13 October 2023

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors / Auditors

This circular is issued to advise that the IMSBC Code 6th Amendment, revising individual schedules of cargoes, which was adopted by the IMO MSC 105th session, will enter into force on 01 December 2023, and will thereafter be mandatory for all ships loading solid bulk cargoes.

Vessels already certified for IMSBC Code Group B are not affected by the code revisions.

Owners / Managers should request their IMSBC Code fitness certificate be re-issued by 01 December 2023.

The list of cargoes eligible for Exemption Certificates (for Fixed Fire Extinguishing arrangements in cargo spaces) relating to safety equipment certificates and which are issued in accordance with MSC/Circ.1395 will also be revised to revision 5 on 01 December 2023.

Specific points to note are:

  • Ammonium Nitrate Based Fertilizer (non-hazardous) has been removed from the list and replaced by two new cargoes, viz.:
    • Ammonium Nitrate Based Fertilizer (Group C); and
    • Ammonium Nitrate Based Fertilizer MHB (Group B).
  • Other newly regulated cargoes include:
    • Leach Residue containing Lead (Groups A+B);
    • Superphosphate (triple granular) (moved from Group C to Group B);
    • Clam Shell (Group C).

Act now

All Ship Owners / Managers / Operators should ensure that they request the re-issuance of their IMSBC Code fitness certificates in a timely manner, and take heed of the amendments to specific cargoes.

DBS has already revised its procedures, certificate forms and their attachments with cargo groups to be applied on 01 December 2023. Surveyors / Auditors should ensure they are familiar with the said 6th amendment of the IMSBC Code

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