Panama requirements on carriage of EEBDs

C23078 | 18 December 2023

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors/ Auditors

This circular is issued to advise that the Panama Maritime Authority has issued Circular MMC-142 regarding Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs). The circular replaces MMC-119.

The circular notes that:

  • under the 2000 SOLAS amendments, Chapter II-2, reg 13, EEBDs are mandatory for all ships that require a safety equipment certificate.
  • EEBDs equivalent to the SOLAS requirements are to be provided on offshore units certified under the 1979, 1989, or 2009 Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU) Code.


The Circular details:

  • the minimum number, and positioning of EEBDs to be provided onboard Panama flagged ships;
  • additional spare units to be carried onboard, for both new and existing ships;
  • training requirements, and additional units required to be carried onboard for training purposes;
  • survey requirements;
  • inspection and testing regime.


The technical standards for the EEBDs are to comply with the ‘International Code for the Fire Safety System (FSS) Code.

When a Panamanian ship does not satisfy the requirements for periodical inspections and testing or carriage of spares, ROs are required to notify the Panama Administration, with relevant recommendations before the issue or endorsement of:

  • a Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate;
  • a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate; or
  • any other statutory certificate that relates to safety equipment (e.g. MODU/MOU Safety certificates).

Act now

All Ship Owners / Managers / Operators / should ensure that Panama flagged ships comply with the requirements laid down in the circular, and that the manufacturer’s instructions for the EEBDs are available onboard, as well as up-to-date records of inspection, maintenance, and testing.

During Safety Equipment surveys, the Surveyor should verify that:

  • The manufacturer’s instructions are readily available onboard.
  • Inspections and maintenance have been carried out per both the manufacturer’s instructions and the requirements of the Circular, and the records are up-to-date.
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