We undertake reviews and approvals of manuals in accordance with our Classification Rules and Regulations as well as national and international standards. Among the manuals and plans we can approve include:

  1. Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP)
  2. Trim and Stability Booklet (T&SB)
  3. Grain Stability Booklet (GRB)
  4. Damage Stability Booklet (DSB)
  5. Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)
  6. Shipboard Oil Pollution Prevention Plan (SOPEP)
  7. Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP)
  8. P&A Manual
  9. Freeboard Calculations
  10. Strength Evaluation
  11. Tonnage Measurements
  12. Hydrostatic Calculations
  13. Sounding Tables
  14. Inclining Experiments
  15. Fire and Safety Plan
  16. Ship Security Assessment and Plan
  17. Hull Stress and Stability Evaluation
  18. Calculations and plan design of minor and major alterations
  19. Cost evaluation
  20. New building services on behalf of owners
  21. Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index / Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEXI/ EEDI)
  22. On Board Management Manual (OMM)
  23. Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM)

How we can assist

Our Engineering Department holds knowledge and extensive experience on the design and modification of ships and other marine related structures.  We can review and approve statutory manuals and calculations on behalf of various flag Administrations authorizing DromonClass.

Ships Classification

Statutory Certification

Ships in Service

Approval of Plans and Manuals

Approval of Firms and Products

Port State Control

Approval of Containers

Ships Classification

Statutory Certification

Ships in Service

Approval of Plans and Manuals

Approval of Service Suppliers

Port State Control