Upon satisfactory verification of the emissions report, DBS IKE issues a Document of Compliance (DOC) for the ship concerned. The Document of Compliance shall be valid for the period of 18 months after the end of the reporting period.

DBS IKE shall inform the European Commission and the authority of the flag State, of the issuance of Document of Compliance through THETIS-MRV.

By 30 June of the year following the end of a reporting period, ships arriving at, within or departing from a port under the jurisdiction of a Member State, and which have carried out voyages during that reporting period, shall carry on board a valid Document of Compliance.

For ships having failed to comply with the monitoring and reporting requirements for two or more consecutive reporting periods and where other enforcement measures have failed to ensure compliance, the competent authority of the Member State of the port of entry may issue an expulsion order which shall be notified to the Commission, EMSA, the other Member States and the flag State concerned.


DBS Accreditation on EU-MRV Regulation
ESYD accredited Verification Bodies
DBS FAQ Publication
Download our FAQ Publication on EU-MRV Regulation
Regulation (EU) 2015/757
 Download the EU-MRV Regulation
Regulation (EU) 2016/1928
Download the Implementing Regulation on the determination of cargo carried per ship type
 Download the Implementing Regulation on templates for monitoring plans, emissions reports and document of compliance
Download the Delegated Regulation amending EU-MRV Regulation Annexes I & II
Download the Delegated Regulation on the verification activities and accreditation of verifiers

The Regulation

Assessment of the Monitoring Plan

Verification of the emission report

Issuance of Document of Compliance (DoC)

Regulation FAQ

The Regulation

Assessment of the Monitoring Plan

Verification of the emission report

Issuance of Document of Compliance (DoC)

Regulation FAQ