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verification of the emission report

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We can verify the data reported in the emissions report through: detailed testing, including by tracing them back to the primary data source; cross-checking them with external data sources, including ship-tracking data; performing reconciliations; checking thresholds as regards appropriate data; and carrying out recalculations.

Monitoring fuel consumption

You shall define in the monitoring plan which monitoring method is to be used to calculate fuel consumption for each ship and ensure that once the method has been chosen, it is consistently applied.

Actual fuel consumption for each voyage shall be used and be calculated using one of the following methods:

  • Method A: Bunker Fuel Delivery Note (BDN) and periodic stocktakes of fuel tanks;
  • Method B: Bunker fuel tank monitoring on board;
  • Method C: Flow meters for applicable combustion processes;
  • Method D: Direct CO2 emissions measurements.

Any combination of these methods, once assessed by DBS, may be used if it enhances the overall accuracy of the measurement.

Monitoring on a per-voyage basis

Based on the assessed monitoring plan, for each ship arriving in or departing from, and for each voyage to or from, an EU port, you shall monitor the following parameters:
  • port of departure and port of arrival including the date and hour of departure and arrival;
  • amount and emission factor for each type of fuel consumed in total;
  • CO2 emitted;
  • distance travelled;
  • time spent at sea;
  • cargo carried;
  • transport work.
You may also monitor information relating to the ship’s ice class and to navigation through ice, where applicable.

Monitoring on an annual basis

Based on the assessed monitoring plan, for each ship and for each calendar year, you shall monitor the following parameters:
  • amount and emission factor for each type of fuel consumed in total;
  • total aggregated CO2 emitted within the scope of EU-MRV Regulation;
  • aggregated CO2 emissions from all voyages between ports within the EU, departed from ports within the EU and to ports within the EU;
  • CO2 emissions which occurred within ports within the EU at berth;
  • total distance travelled;
  • total time spent at sea;
  • total transport work;
  • average energy efficiency.
You may monitor information relating to the ship’s ice class and to navigation through ice, where applicable. You may also monitor fuel consumed and CO2 emitted, differentiating on the basis of other criteria defined in the monitoring plan.

Verification of CO2 emissions

We can verify your ship’s emissions report.  Your emissions report will be verified for reliable and credible data and information enable the CO2 emissions to be determined with a reasonable degree of certainty and provided that the following are ensured:
  • the reported data are coherent in relation to estimated data that are based on ship tracking data and characteristics such as the installed engine power;
  • the reported data are free of inconsistencies, in particular when comparing the total volume of fuel purchased annually by each ship and the aggregate fuel consumption during voyages;
  • the collection of the data has been carried out in accordance with the applicable rules; and
  • the relevant records of the ship are complete and consistent.

The verified report must be submitted to the European Commission and the authority of the flag State, through THETIS-MRV.

DBS procedure for the verification of emissions report

We will request a series of supporting documents along with the submitted emissions report.  Upon reviewing all submitted documentation a Verification Plan will be submitted to you for review and approval.
Verification Plan

We shall draft a verification plan commensurate with the information obtained and the risks identified during the risk assessment.  The verification plan includes information on additional tests and samples to be taken.  As part of the verification programme the verification plan includes:

  • information on site visit(s) including a description of what activities will be performed onsite and what activities off-site, as well as information on the systems and processes to be checked and interviews to be performed;
  • the way DBS plans to check the completeness of data and information.

Site visits
We shall carry out site visits for the purpose of gaining sufficient understanding of the company and the ship’s monitoring and reporting system as described in the monitoring plan.  We will determine the location or locations for the site visit on the basis of the results of the risk assessment and after taking into consideration the place where the critical mass of relevant data is stored, including electronic or hard copies of documents of which the originals are kept on the ship, and the place where data-flow activities are carried out.  We will also determine the activities to be performed and the time needed for the site visit. You will be informed through the verification plan.  In case we waive a site visit you will be informed about this decision in advance. Specific conditions apply for waiving a site visit.

Independent Review

We are performing an independent review ensuring that the emissions report has been verified in accordance with the requirements of the EU-MRV Regulation and that due professional care and judgment has been exercised.  The independent Verifier will not be part of the verification team.


DBS Accreditation on EU-MRV Regulation / Read DBS Circular on our accreditation by UKAS for EU-MRV Regulation

DBS FAQ Publication / Download our FAQ Publication on EU-MRV Regulation

Regulation (EU) 2015/757 / Download the EU-MRV Regulation

Regulation (EU) 2016/1928 / Download the Implementing Regulation on the determination of cargo carried per ship type

Regulation (EU) 2016/2071 / Download the Delegated Regulation amending EU-MRV Regulation Annexes I & II

Regulation (EU) 2016/2072 / Download the Delegated Regulation on the verification activities and accreditation of verifiers

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