Barbados – Authorisation of Service Providers

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors :

C24046 | 29 August 2024

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry (BMSR) has issued a revised Bulletin 041 – Barbadian Authorisation of Service Provider 

The Bulletin reminds that service providers, or manufacturers acting as service providers, must be authorised by the BMSR before providing maintenance, examination, testing, overhaul, or repair of:

  • lifeboats (including free-fall lifeboats);
  • rescue boats;
  • fast rescue boats;
  • launching appliances; and
  • on-load and off-load release gear for lifeboats (including primary and secondary means of launching appliances for free-fall lifeboats), rescue boats, and davit-launched life rafts

Barbadian Authorisation of Service Providers (BASP)

  1. The BMSR does not approve service providers but only authorises a service provider with an authorization document, the Barbadian Authorisation of Service Provider (BASP).
  2. The BASP is specific to the vessel requiring servicing of any of the items listed above and is valid for 3 months.
  3. The BASP is valid subject to the following:
    • The service provider shall hold a valid Approved Service Supplier Certificate (ASSC) issued by a Barbados Recognised Organisation (RO) verifying that the provider meets the requirements of MSC.402(96).
    • Service engineers shall have valid Qualification Certificates issued by the equipment manufacturer or the Approved Service Provider to whom the BASP was issued. The Qualification Certificate must define the service engineer’s level of qualification and the scope of the certification (e.g. makes and types of equipment);
    • A copy of the BASP shall be attached to each service or maintenance report issued to the vessel by the authorised service provider.
    • A copy of the Qualification Certificate for the service engineers who inspect or service the equipment shall be attached to the report.


BASP Application

  • Requests for a BASP are to be submitted by email to before the servicing and are to be accompanied by a valid ASSC of the service provider.
  • The application is to be accompanied by:
    1. The previous BASP issued for the same Service Provide and vessel;
    2. The last service certificate for the equipment;
    3. A Copy of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (CS SEC);
    4. The ASSC.
  • The ASSC shall always be full and must state the list of the equipment the service provider is certified, i.e., manufacturer and model of the equipment.
  • The managers shall make sure that the ASSC’s list includes the equipment fitted on board the vessel on which the service is to be carried out.
  • In case the ASSC’s list does not include the equipment fitted on board, then the managers and/or service providers shall provide a statement from the RO that issued the CS SEC.
  • The RO statement shall be based on the template as per below, on the RO letterhead, signed stamped and dated not longer than 6 months from the date of application.


RO Template Statement Letter

The Bulletin includes a template statement letter for use by the RO:

Act now

Ship Owners, Managers, Operators, and Surveyors should take note of the contents of the Bulletin and ensure compliance of Barbados flagged vessels.

Surveyors and Auditors should confirm compliance during surveys/audits.

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