Belize – Paris MoU – General Safety Inspection Program

C24071 | 30 December 2024

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators / Surveyors

The International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) has issued Memo No. TDM007-2024 advising that due to a significant increase in detentions, they are introducing enhancements to the General Safety Inspection Program for ships operating in, or intending to operate in, the Paris MoU region.

These enhancements are:

  • All Ships operating or intending to operate in the Paris MoU area will be subject to two General Safety Inspections within 12 months.
  • All ships scheduled to call at any Italian Port must perform a General Safety Inspection before arrival.
  • All deficiencies identified by the General Safety Inspector must be rectified before departure from the port of inspection unless authorized by IMMARBE’s Technical Department upon submission of a formal request to
  • A Rectification Report is to be sent to IMMARBE’s Technical Department using the TDF-020-Monitoring and Correction of Deficiencies for GSI. This report is to be submitted along with evidence (document, photo, video, etc.) of the rectification of each deficiency.


Statement of Authorization

Any Belize-registered ship operating or intended to operate in the Paris MoU region must apply for a Statement of Authorization.

  • Ships inspected in the last 90 days from the date of effect of the Memo can apply without requiring a new inspection. The Statement will be valid for 90 days from the date of issuance.
  • Ships not falling under the above criteria wishing to continue operating or intending to operate in the region must arrange a General Safety Inspection as soon as possible to obtain the Statement of Authorization to continue operating or to be authorized to operate within the Paris MoU area.
  • For vessels intending to call at Italy, a single Authorization will be requested/issued authorizing the call, subject to satisfactory completion of the General Safety Inspection before arrival and proper rectification of any deficiencies found.
  • If a ship is found with any deficiencies, these are to be rectified immediately at the port of inspection to be eligible to obtain the Statement of Authorization.
    If a deficiency cannot be rectified immediately, a formal request is to be sent to the IMMARBE Technical Department who will determine if a Statement of Authorization can be granted for an agreed period. Upon confirmation of the rectification, the period will be extended for the remainder of the 6 months.
  • One month before the expiration of the Statement of Authorization, the Owner or ISM Operator must arrange a new General Safety Inspection to have this document renewed.


Any ship not in possession of a Statement of Authorization cannot operate within the Paris MoU region or call at any Italian Port. If a vessel is found not complying with this requirement, it will be subject to disciplinary action per Belize Statutory Instrument 56 of 1999.

Disciplinary Measures

All operators and masters are expected to thoroughly review the memo and ensure its full implementation on board.

Failure to adhere to the requirements or providing false information, as identified during inspections by Port State Control Officers (PSCO), may result in disciplinary actions by IMMARBE. These actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Suspension or revocation of the vessel’s certification.
  • Imposition of fines or penalties.
  • Restrictions on the vessel’s operations or trading activities.
  • Other legal measures as outlined in the Belize Merchant Ships (Registration) Act (latest revision) and Statutory Instrument 56 of 1999 (as amended).


Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators should note the Memo’s contents and be guided accordingly.

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