Intensified Turkish PSC Inspections

C25003 | 15 January 2025

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators

This circular is issued to advise that the Republic of Turkey Port State Control (PSC) has initiated a Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) in all Turkish Ports, which is scheduled to run from 02 January to 28 February 2025.

Ships targeted for intensified PSC Inspections are:

  • vessels banned from entering Ports within the Paris Mou area;
  • Vessels with the date of construction greater than 30 years ago AND non-IACS Class AND flying the Flag of Countries on the Grey or Black Lists of the Paris MoU 2023 Performance Lists. (All 3 conditions must apply).


The Focused Inspection will take place at the first port of arrival. Where such an inspection cannot take place, the Administration will be informed and an inspection arranged for the next port of call. The Inspections will include structural checks of cargo holds and ballast tanks.

Detailed Inspection will be carried out by at least 2 Port State Control Officers and targeted areas include (but are not limited to):

  • Structural condition, and checks of the vessel, including beams, frames, plates;
  • Hold and Ballast Tanks, Fore and Aft Peak Tanks, including enclosed space entry procedures. Vessels exempt from the BWTS and with sealed tanks, will be inspected to check that no ballast operations have been performed;
  • Bottom side of the vessel’s Hull, carried out by an underwater service company nominated by PSC.


Vessels not inspected during the FIC period will be examined at the next call at a Turkish Port.

Vessels found non-compliant will be detained and sent to the nearest Shipyard for repairs. The Port Authority, where the Shipyard is located, shall confirm the ship’s attendance.

Ships that do not address the findings of the PSC will be banned from entering Turkish Ports.

Vessels can be detained for reasons outside the scope of the FIC.

Act now

All Ship Owners / Managers / Operators / should ensure that ships trading to Turkish Ports, especially those that meet the above criteria are advised accordingly and comply with all requirements of the Focused Inspection Campaign.

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