Union Des Comores – MLC procedures

C25004 | 20 January 2025

Notice to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators/ Surveyors/ Auditors

This circular is issued to advise that the Comoros Maritime Administration has issued circular 24/04046/COM which details procedures to be followed by Comoros flagged vessels to be certificated per the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006.

The Circular enters into force on 18 February 2025, following the ratification of MLC 2006 by the Comoros Flag Administration.

The circular applies to all Comoros flagged ships with a gross tonnage of 500 GT or more engaged in:

  • International Voyages;
  • Operating from a port, or between ports in another country;


Ships not in the above categories may be certified voluntarily.

The circular does not apply to ships which navigate:

  • Exclusively in inland waters or waters within, or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply;
  • Ships engaged in fishing or similar pursuits;
  • Ships of traditional build such as dhows and junks;
  • Warships or naval auxiliaries.


Ships required to be certified according to the requirements of the MLC 2006 are to carry and maintain a Maritime Labour Certificate and a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) Part I (issued by the Administration) and DMLC Part II (developed by the shipowner and endorsed by the Administration or a duly authorized RO), issued in the English language.

If there is doubt whether a ship should be certified under MLC 2006, the Administration is to be contacted to determine the relevant requirements.

Act now

All Ship Owners / Managers / Operators / Surveyors / Auditors should take note of the contents of the Circular and be guided accordingly. Dromon Bureau of Shipping shall re-issue all existing Statements of Compliance as Certificates at the next scheduled inspection.

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